Thinkjs Command

After installing thinkjs module globally, there should be the thinkjs commands in your system. Run the command thinkjs -h in your terminal to get more detailed introduction.

  Usage: thinkjs [command] <options ...>


    new <projectPath>            create project
    module <moduleName>          add module
    controller <controllerName>  add controller
    service <serviceName>        add service
    model <modelName>            add model
    middleware <middlewareName>  add middleware
    adapter <adapterName>        add adapter


    -h, --help         output usage information
    -V, --version      output the version number
    -e, --es6          use es6 for project, used in `new` command
    -r, --rest         create rest controller, used in `controller` command
    -M, --mongo        create mongo model, used in `model` command
    -R, --relation     create relation model, used in `model` command
    -m, --mode <mode>  project mode type(mini, normal, module), default is module, used in `new` command

Create Project

You can create a project by run command thinkjs new <projectPath>:

thinkjs new thinkjs_demo;

ES6 Way

If you want to create an ES6 mode project, --es6 option is required. Thus, codes in the generated files are all in ES6 syntax.

thinkjs new thinkjs_demo --es6

Set Project Mode

By default, new created project is divided by modules. If the project is small and you don't want to have it divided by modules, you can specify --mode option when creating project. eg.

thinkjs new thinkjs_demo --mode=mini

The following is the supported modules list:

  • mini single-module project, for a very simple project.
  • normal genneral project, which modules are divided according to the function.
  • module divided by modules, for large projects or the project strictly divided by modules.

Note: After the project created, a hidden file named .thinkjsrc will be created in the project directory, which contains some configuration of the current project. And this hidden file will affect subsequent creating files, so you need to put it into the version repository.

Add Module

The module common and home will be automatically created when creating projects. If you need to create other modules, you can execute the command thinkjs module [name] in the project directory. eg.

thinkjs module admin

After execution, the directory src/admin and the corresponding files in it will be created.

Add Middleware

You can add middleware by run the command thinkjs middleware [name] in the project directory. eg.

thinkjs middleware test;

Execute it will create the file src/common/middleware/test.js.

Add Model

You can add model by run the command thinkjs model [name] in the project directory. eg.

thinkjs model user;

Execute it will create the file src/common/model/user.js.

This file is in the common module by default. If you want to create it in other module, just specify the module. eg.

thinkjs model home/user;

Thus, it will create the file src/home/model/user.js, which is in the home module.

Add Mongo Model

By default, the added model is relational database model. If you want to create Mongo Model, specify --mongo option. eg.

thinkjs model home/user --mongo
Add Relation Model

Specify --relation option to create Relation Model. eg.

thinkjs model home/user --relation

Add Controller

You can add controller by run the command thinkjs controller [name] in the project directory. eg.

thinkjs controller user;

After execution, there will create the file src/common/controller/user.js, and the file src/common/logic/user.js will be also created at the same.

These created files are in the common module by default. If you want to create them in other module, specify the module. eg.

thinkjs controller home/user;

Thus, it will create the file src/home/controller/user.js, which is in the home module.

Add Rest Controller

If you want to privide Rest API, specify --rest option. eg.

thinkjs controller home/user --rest;

Add service

You can add service by the command thinkjs service [name] in the project directory. eg.

thinkjs service github; #create the service that calls github interface 

After execution, there will create the file src/common/service/github.js.

This created file is in the common module by default. If you want to create it in other module, specify the module. eg.

thinkjs service home/github;

Thus, it will create the file src/home/service/github.js, which is in the home module.

Add adapter

You can add adapter by the command thinkjs adapter [type]/[name] in the project directory. eg.

thinkjs adapter template/dot

After execution, there will create the file src/common/adapter/template/dot.js, which means a template type adapter named dot.

Add Plugin

Two kinds of plugins ThinkJS supported are middleware and adapter. You can initialize a plugin by the command thinkjs plugin <pluginName>, and then to develop.

thinkjs plugin think-template-dot

It suggested that the name of plugin could start with think-, so that it's convenient to search for other users after the plugin release to npm repository.