
ThinkJS provides a flexible configuration mechanism, it can use different configuration in different modules and project environments, and these configurations will take effective after service started.

Note: Do not set the private value of an http request in the configuration, because other http setting may overriding these values.

The Project Module

The projects that created default by ThinkJS are divided according to the module, you can define different configuration under each module. General configuration can be defined under common modules, other modules will inherit the common configuration.

Project Environment

ThinkJS default support three kinds of project environments, it can be configured according to the different environment, in order to meet the needs of the different situations of configuration.

  • development development
  • testing testing
  • production production

It can also be extended to other environment in project, which kind of environment to use at present can be set in the entrance file, and set the env value.

Defining Configuration Files


For some basic configuration, such as:

export default {
  port: 8360, 
  host: '',
  encoding: 'utf-8',

For a specific independent function configuration, such as db.js is the database configuration, redis is redis configuration.

// db.js
export default {
  type: 'mysql',
  host: '',
  port: '',
  name: '',
  user: '',

Differentiation configuration in different project environment, such as env/development.js,env/testing.js,env/production.js.

// config/env/development.js
export default {
  port: 7777,
  db: { //开发模式下数据库配置
    type: 'mysql',
    host: '',
    port: '',

Note: The differences of different environments generally is not too much, so we defined them in a single file. At this time, if you want to modify an independent function configuration, you need to add a key corresponding to the independent function. Such as you need to add the the name of the db corresponding to the database when modifing the database configuration, as shown above.


International language pack configuration, such as locale/en.js,locale/zh-cn.js.

Configuration format uses the form of key: value, and the key is case-insensitive.

Loading Configuration Files

ThinkJS supports multiple levels of the configuration file, it reads in the following order:

default configuration of the framework - > framework configuration under project mode - > project common configuration - > common configuration under project mode - > module configuration

Reading Configuration

Using config

In Controller, Logic, Middleware, you can using this.config. Such as:

let db = this.config('db'); // reading all of the configurations about db
let host = this.config(''); // reading the host configuration about the host of db

Using http.config

http objects also have the config method used for obtain the relevant configuration, such as:

let db = http.config('db');

Reading Configuration From Other Places

In other places, we can read the relevant configuration through think.config:

let db = think.config('db'); // reading the configuration about db under the common configuration
let db1 = think.config('db', undefined, 'home'); // get the da configuration under the home module

Note: Before parsing route, we can not get the general module configuration through the config method or http.config method, so the configuration which is used before route parsing must be defined in the general module.

The Default Configuration


Project configuration mode, the config/env/development.js.

export default {
  auto_reload: true,
  log_request: true,
  gc: {
    on: false
  error: {
    detail: true

The config/env/testing.js and config/env/produciton.js have no default configuration.


International language pack configuration, the default configuration is as follows:

// config/locale/en.js
export default {
  CONTROLLER_NOT_FOUND: 'controller `%s` not found. url is `%s`.',
  CONTROLLER_INVALID: 'controller `%s` is not valid. url is `%s`',
  ACTION_NOT_FOUND: 'action `%s` not found. url is `%s`',
  ACTION_INVALID: 'action `%s` is not valid. url is `%s`',
  WORKER_DIED: 'worker `%d` died, it will auto restart.',
  MIDDLEWARE_NOT_FOUND: 'middleware `%s` not found',
  ADAPTER_NOT_FOUND: 'adapter `%s` not found',
  GCTYPE_MUST_SET: 'instance must have gcType property',
  CONFIG_NOT_FUNCTION: 'config `%s` is not a function',
  CONFIG_NOT_VALID: 'config `%s` is not valid',
  PATH_EMPTY: '`%s` path muse be set',
  PATH_NOT_EXIST: '`%s` is not exist',
  TEMPLATE_NOT_EXIST: 'can\'t find template file `%s`',
  PARAMS_EMPTY: 'params `%s` value can\'t empty',
  PARAMS_NOT_VALID: 'params `{name}` value not valid',
  FIELD_KEY_NOT_VALID: 'field `%s` in where condition is not valid',
  DATA_EMPTY: 'data can not be empty',
  MISS_WHERE_CONDITION: 'miss where condition',
  INVALID_WHERE_CONDITION_KEY: 'where condition key is not valid',
  WHERE_CONDITION_INVALID: 'where condition `%s`:`%s` is not valid',
  TABLE_NO_COLUMNS: 'table `%s` has no columns',
  NOT_SUPPORT_TRANSACTION: 'table engine is not support transaction',
  DATA_MUST_BE_ARRAY: 'data is not an array list',
  PARAMS_TYPE_INVALID: 'params `{name}` type invalid',
  DISALLOW_PORT: 'proxy on, cannot visit with port',
  SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: 'Service Unavailable',

  validate_required: '{name} can not be blank',
  validate_contains: '{name} need contains {args}',
  validate_equals: '{name} need match {args}',
  validate_different: '{name} nedd not match {args}',
  validate_after: '{name} need a date that\'s after the {args} (defaults to now)',
  validate_alpha: '{name} need contains only letters (a-zA-Z)',
  validate_alphaDash: '{name} need contains only letters and dashes(a-zA-Z_)',
  validate_alphaNumeric: '{name} need contains only letters and numeric(a-zA-Z0-9)',
  validate_alphaNumericDash: '{name} need contains only letters, numeric and dash(a-zA-Z0-9_)',
  validate_ascii: '{name} need contains ASCII chars only',
  validate_base64: '{name} need a valid base64 encoded',
  validate_before: '{name} need a date that\'s before the {args} (defaults to now)',
  validate_byteLength: '{name} need length (in bytes) falls in {args}',
  validate_creditcard: '{name} need a valid credit card',
  validate_currency: '{name} need a valid currency amount',
  validate_date: '{name} need a date',
  validate_decimal: '{name} need a decimal number',
  validate_divisibleBy: '{name} need a number that\'s divisible by {args}',
  validate_email: '{name} need an email',
  validate_fqdn: '{name} need a fully qualified domain name',
  validate_float: '{name} need a float in {args}',
  validate_fullWidth: '{name} need contains any full-width chars',
  validate_halfWidth: '{name} need contains any half-width chars',
  validate_hexColor: '{name} need a hexadecimal color',
  validate_hex: '{name} need a hexadecimal number',
  validate_ip: '{name} need an IP (version 4 or 6)',
  validate_ip4: '{name} need an IP (version 4)',
  validate_ip6: '{name} need an IP (version 6)',
  validate_isbn: '{name} need an ISBN (version 10 or 13)',
  validate_isin: '{name} need an ISIN (stock/security identifier)',
  validate_iso8601: '{name} need a valid ISO 8601 date',
  validate_in: '{name} need in an array of {args}',
  validate_notIn: '{name} need not in an array of {args}',
  validate_int: '{name} need an integer',
  validate_min: '{name} need an integer greater than {args}',
  validate_max: '{name} need an integer less than {args}',
  validate_length: '{name} need length falls in {args}',
  validate_minLength: '{name} need length is max than {args}',
  validate_maxLength: '{name} need length is min than {args}',
  validate_lowercase: '{name} need is lowercase',
  validate_mobile: '{name} need is a mobile phone number',
  validate_mongoId: '{name} need is a valid hex-encoded representation of a MongoDB ObjectId',
  validate_multibyte: '{name} need contains one or more multibyte chars',
  validate_url: '{name} need an URL',
  validate_uppercase: '{name} need uppercase',
  validate_variableWidth: '{name} need contains a mixture of full and half-width chars',
  validate_order: '{name} need a valid sql order string',
  validate_field: '{name} need a valid sql field string',
  validate_image: '{name} need a valid image file',
  validate_startWith: '{name} need start with {args}',
  validate_endWidth: '{name} need end with {args}',
  validate_string: '{name} need a string',
  validate_array: '{name} need an array',
  validate_boolean: '{name} need a boolean',
  validate_object: '{name} need an object'


The basic configuration, config/config.js.

export default {
  port: 8360, //服务监听的端口
  host: '', //服务监听的 host
  encoding: 'utf-8', //项目编码
  pathname_prefix: '',  //pathname 去除的前缀,路由解析中使用
  pathname_suffix: '.html', //pathname 去除的后缀,路由解析中使用
  proxy_on: false, //是否使用 nginx 等 web server 进行代理
  hook_on: true,  //是否开启 hook
  cluster_on: false, //是否开启 cluster

  service_on: true, //Service available
  timeout: 120, //120 seconds
  auto_reload: false, //自动重新加载修改的文件,development 模式下使用

  resource_on: true, // 是否处理静态资源请求, porxy_on 开启下可以关闭该配置
  resource_reg: /^(static\/|[^\/]+\.(?!js|html)\w+$)/, //静态资源的正则

  route_on: true, //是否开启自定义路由

  log_pid: false, //是否记录服务的 pid
  log_request: false, //是否打印请求的日志

  create_server: undefined, //自定义启动服务
  output_content: undefined, //自定义输出内容处理方式,可以进行 gzip 处理等
  deny_module_list: [], //禁用的模块列表
  default_module: 'home', //默认模块
  default_controller: 'index',  //默认的控制器
  default_action: 'index', //默认的 Action
  callback_name: 'callback', //jsonp 请求的 callback 名称
  json_content_type: 'application/json', //json 输出时设置的 Content-Type
  subdomain: {} //子域名部署配置


Cache configuration,config/cache.js.

export default {
  type: 'file', //缓存方式
  prefix: 'thinkjs_', //缓存名称前缀
  timeout: 6 * 3600, //6 hours
  path: runtimePrefix + '/cache', //文件缓存模式下缓存内容存放的目录
  path_depth: 2, //子目录深度
  file_ext: '.json' //缓存文件的扩展名

Cookie configuration,config/cookie.js.

export default {
  domain: '', // cookie domain
  path: '/', // cookie path
  httponly: false, //是否 httponly
  secure: false, //是否在 https 下使用
  timeout: 0 //cookie 有效时间


Database configuration,config/db.js.

export default {
  type: 'mysql', //数据库类型
  host: '', //数据库 host
  port: '', //端口
  name: '', //数据库名称
  user: '', //账号
  pwd: '', //密码
  prefix: 'think_', //数据表前缀
  encoding: 'utf8', //数据库编码
  nums_per_page: 10, //一页默认条数
  log_sql: true, //是否记录 sql 语句
  log_connect: true, // 是否记录连接数据库的信息
  cache: { // 查询数据缓存配置
    on: true,
    type: '',
    timeout: 3600


The error information configuration,config/error.js.

export default {
  key: 'errno', //error number
  msg: 'errmsg', //error message
  value: 1000 //default errno


The cache, the session, and garbage disposal configuration,config/gc.js.

export default {
  on: true, //是否开启垃圾回收处理
  interval: 3600, // 处理时间间隔,默认为一个小时
  filter: function(){ //如果返回 true,则进行垃圾回收处理
    let hour = (new Date()).getHours();
    if(hour === 4){
      return true;


Hook configuration,config/hook.js.

export default {
  request_begin: [],
  payload_parse: ['parse_form_payload', 'parse_single_file_payload', 'parse_json_payload', 'parse_querystring_payload'],
  payload_validate: ['validate_payload'],
  resource: ['check_resource', 'output_resource'],
  route_parse: ['rewrite_pathname', 'subdomain_deploy', 'route'],
  logic_before: ['check_csrf'],
  logic_after: [],
  controller_before: [],
  controller_after: [],
  view_before: [],
  view_template: ['locate_template'],
  view_parse: ['parse_template'],
  view_after: [],
  response_end: []


The post request configuration, config/post.js.

export default {
  json_content_type: ['application/json'],
  max_file_size: 1024 * 1024 * 1024, //1G
  max_fields: 100, 
  max_fields_size: 2 * 1024 * 1024, //2M,
  ajax_filename_header: 'x-filename',
  file_upload_path: runtimePrefix + '/upload',
  file_auto_remove: true


redis configuration,config/redis.js.

export default {
  host: '',
  port: 6379,
  password: '',
  timeout: 0,
  log_connect: true


memcache configuration,config/memcache.js.

export default {
  host: '', //memcache host
  port: 11211,
  username: '', //
  password: '',
  timeout: 0, //缓存失效时间
  log_connect: true


Session configuration,config/session.js.

export default {
  name: 'thinkjs',
  type: 'file',
  path: runtimePrefix + '/session',
  secret: '',
  timeout: 24 * 3600,
  cookie: { // cookie options
    length: 32


View configuration,config/view.js.

export default {
  content_type: 'text/html',
  file_ext: '.html',
  file_depr: '_',
  root_path: '',
  type: 'ejs',
  options: {}


Websocket configuration,config/websocket.js.

export default {
  on: false, //是否开启 websocket
  type: 'think', //websocket 使用的库
  allow_origin: '',
  sub_protocal: '',
  adapter: undefined,
  path: '', //url path for websocket
  messages: {
    // open: 'home/websocket/open',

The Extension Configuration

Projects configuration can be extended according to the need, extending configuration only need to set up the correspondding files in src/common/config/, such as:

// src/common/config/foo.js
export default {
  name: 'bar'

So you can obtain the corresponding configuration through think.config('foo').