
Adapter pattern allows the interface of an existing class to be used as another interface. It is often used to make existing classes work with others without modifying their source code. For example, to allow easy switch databases and template engines by just change the adapter configuration. Adapter often used with Extend.

ThinkJS provide rich Adapters, covering functions like View, Model, Cache, Session and Websocket. You can extend you project and choose adapter on need, or even implement one.

Adapter Configuration

Adapter‘s configuration file is src/config/adapter.js(or src/common/config/adapter.js is multi-module mode),example usage as follows:

const nunjucks = require('think-view-nunjucks');
const ejs = require('think-view-ejs');
const path = require('path');

exports.view = {
  type: 'nunjucks', // default template engine 'nunjucks'
  common: { // generall settings
    viewPath: path.join(think.ROOT_PATH, 'view'),
    sep: '_',
    extname: '.html'
  nunjucks: { // nunjucks settings
    handle: nunjucks
  ejs: { // ejs settings
    handle: ejs,
    viewPath: path.join(think.ROOT_PATH, 'view/ejs/'),

exports.cache = {
  • type define the default Adapter, can be changed on runtime by param
  • common common settings which will be merged into each adapter type
  • nunjucks ejs specific Adapter settings,the final settings would be each settings merged with common
  • handle the handler function for a specific type

Adapter supports runtime environment configuration. We normally use different database in production and development environment, to achieve that by create adapter.development.js and adapter.production.js with different settings, ThinkJS will load the corresponding configure file and apply merging strategy on system start.

Suppose in production environment, configuration file adapter.production.js and adapter.js will be merged into the final adapter settings.

Adapter configure will be load and merge on application start, the above configure will produce settings as bellow:

exports.view = {
  type: 'nunjucks', // default nunjucks
  nunjucks: { 
    handle: nunjucks,
    viewPath: path.join(think.ROOT_PATH, 'view'),
    sep: '_',
    extname: '.html'
  ejs: {
    handle: ejs,
    viewPath: path.join(think.ROOT_PATH, 'view/ejs/'),
    viewPath: path.join(think.ROOT_PATH, 'view'),
    sep: '_',
    extname: '.html'

We can see common settings is merged into numjucks and ejs, on runtime we just get adapter configure by type and no merge is needed.

Adapter Parsing

We need to parse adapter configure and choose one to work with. Take above as example, we have adapter setting with nunjucks and ejs, but we only use one of them.

Adapter configure is parse by parseAdapterConfig method in think-helper module,as bellow:

const helper = require('think-helper');
const viewConfig = think.config('view'); // get view adapter configure

const nunjucks = helper.parseAdatperConfig(viewConfig); // to get the default adapter configure
  type: 'nunjucks',
  handle: nunjucks,
  viewPath: path.join(think.ROOT_PATH, 'view'),
  sep: '_',
  extname: '.html'

const ejs = helper.parseAdatperConfig(viewConfig, 'ejs') 
  handle: ejs,
  type: 'ejs',
  viewPath: path.join(think.ROOT_PATH, 'view/ejs/'),
  viewPath: path.join(think.ROOT_PATH, 'view'),
  sep: '_',
  extname: '.html'

You can call parseAdapterConfig to get configure and use handle to run. But most of the time you don't need to do this by yourself, the Extend method normally will do the job.

Adapter Usage

Adapter usually work with Extend and implement a type of interface with different implementation. For example: view Adapter(think-view-nunjucks、think-view-ejs)work with think-view Extend。 Extend think-view provide neccesary method for template rendering, inside the render method will call Adapter's handle to readlly do the job for a specific template engine.

Create Project Adapter

Besides third-party Adapter, we can create Adapter in project. Put your implementation file in src/adapter/ folder (or src/common/adapter/ for multi-module project), take src/adapter/cache/xcache.js for instance,ThinkJS will accept it as cache Adapter of type xcache,this file should implement the cache interface。

The last thing is to turn it on:

exports.cache = {
  type: 'file',
  xcache: {
    handle: 'xcache', // set handle to string, so that system will match to src/adapter/cache/xcache.js file as implementation.

Recommended Adapter

Bellow link show all available framework adapter list