Babel Transpile

Framework requires the minimum Node.js version to 6.0.0, which doesn't support async/await, so we need to use Babel transpiler to enable this feature.

Babel will transpile src/ and output to app/, adding sourceMap file respectively.

Babel Transpile Rule

Default preset is babel-preset-think-node, to configure in development.js entry file:

const Application = require('thinkjs');
const babel = require('think-babel');
const watcher = require('think-watcher');
const notifier = require('node-notifier');

const instance = new Application({
  ROOT_PATH: __dirname,
  watcher: watcher,
  transpiler: [babel, {
    presets: ['think-node'] // default preset babel-preset-think-node
  notifier: notifier.notify.bind(notifier),
  env: 'development'

babel-preset-think-node only transpile es2015-modules-commonjsexponentiation-operatortrailing-function-commasasync-to-generatorobject-rest-spread, if above transpile rules can't satisfy your requirement, you can create your own babel preset.

Use without Babel

If your Node version is greater than 7.6.0(suggest 8.x.x LTS), which already supports async/await, you can turn off Babel transplile.

By CLI command

You can use -w param to turn off Babel.

thinkjs new demo -w;

By code

Existing project can turn off Babel by delete some code:

  • Entry file configure with Babel (development.js)

      const Application = require('thinkjs');
      const babel = require('think-babel');
      const watcher = require('think-watcher');
      const notifier = require('node-notifier');
      const instance = new Application({
        ROOT_PATH: __dirname,
        watcher: watcher, //watch file change
        transpiler: [babel, {  // transpiler
          presets: ['think-node']
        notifier: notifier.notify.bind(notifier), //通知器,当转译报错时如何通知
        env: 'development'
  • Entry file without Babel(development.js)

      const Application = require('thinkjs');
      const watcher = require('think-watcher');
      const instance = new Application({
        ROOT_PATH: __dirname,
        watcher: watcher,
        env: 'development'

The non-babel version just remove the transpiler and notifier configure.